Sabah is known as ‘Land below the wind’ as it lies below the typhoon belt of East Asia. It is a blessed land richly endowed by God with vast resources; a land of incredible beauty and potential.
Spiritually, as part of East Malaysia, Sabah is regarded as an open door to the whole nation of Malaysia. Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah is called the Miracle Gate by Chuck Pierce.
Prophetic words over Sabah and East Malaysia: Summary
- Cindy Jacobs (2016): Prophecy over Malaysia (given at San Jose, Costa Rica)
The Lord says there is going to be a great move of unity that will come with East Malaysia and the rest of the nation. God is going to break down traditional walls among denominations. As this happens, He will heal the nation. The prayer movement is a great job. There needs to be a greater level of unity, not just praying the same things, but praying together. God is raising up 24/7 prayer towers. It is going to happen because there is a cry coming out of Malaysia that will heal Asia.
- Chuck Pierce (29/10/2019) (given in Kuching)
Worship to break through in a new way, God will send His new wind of the spirit. East Malaysia is the key to the future, a voice of stability and a key to awakening in Malaysia. Kota Kinabalu is the Miracle Gate and Sibu is the seed of decree. Isaiah 45:11 – the Lord is saying, ‘Ask Me of things to come, command My hands to operate, and every detail to be accomplished. I am ready to perform My works in the next 3 years. I am raising Judah worshippers from KK to Kuching. Corporate worship will align heaven and earth. First people of the land have the DNA of the land. They have the ability to sing and dance and demonstrate powerful worship anointing in Borneo which will shake the region. A window of heaven has been positioned and God is roaring down. I am decreeing East Malaysia to align all the gifts of God, as a model worldwide to see His church rising up with power.’
- The Church/ Body of Christ in Sabah
- The pastors and spiritual leaders to unite and heed the call of God to contend as ONE MAN.
- For healing of all fractures in the churches and across denominations. Pray that traditional walls among denominations be demolished.
- For the native churches and leaders to arise and take ownership of their destiny, for fresh anointing of courage and boldness. Pray for the indigenous believers to take their position.
- For the next generation of leaders, who are strong, faithful, visionary and influential, to arise.
- For a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that will spark revival across the land, especially among the natives.
- For the strengthening of native churches and their support and support in the interiors of Sabah, especially those without internet access.
- For animism and witchcraft practices to be uprooted.
- For strong discipleship to be established particularly among the youth, so that they will hold fast to their faith and not be swayed easily.
- Unity among the many tribes in Sabah
Sabah is home to 32 different indigenous groups that consist of 30 ethnic races. Pray for unity among them. Pray for leaders to arise and assume their roles with authority and mutual cooperation, thereby ushering in great grace as in the days of Acts. Pray for greater influence and impact in the marketplace, education and political arena from the Bumiputra indigenous Sabahans.
- Relationship with West Malaysia
- To work well with West Malaysian Government on the status of MA63
- Sabah rights (as equal partner) to be honoured
- Wealth from oil and gas resources to be restored
- Equal and fair distribution of allocations for development and infrastructure
- Border security and protection against threats of infiltration
- Illegal entry of foreigners
- Terrorists
- Smuggling activities
- Bribery and corruption of border officials
Lord, we declare that Sabah will be a land where the wind of revival and transformation will blow. We declare Sabah will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
We declare that Sabah will arise because her light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen over her!
In the mighty Name of Jesus, amen.