We declare the Church of God in Malaysia is rising up to fulfil her God given destiny. And the Glory of the Lord is upon us! (Isaiah 60:1,2)
This is truly the set time for Malaysia, the time for God’s mercy, favor and blessings (Ps 102:13). We declare a reset time for Malaysia, a time of correct alignment to our Father and to one another, and when we do so, we shall find ourselves overtaken by blessings for the glory and expansion of God’s Kingdom.
We arise in faith, with a new intimacy with Jesus (John 14) and a new kingdom mindset. We arisewith a new love for one another, to love as Christ loved us. We arise with determination to practice a culture of honor, and together the Church of God will manifest the beauty and the glory of our Saviour, Jesus.
We declare healing and restoration upon the Church of God and our Nation, as repentance is done and forgiveness extended particularly to the firstborn in our Nation. We bless the firstborn of our families, the firstborn of our Nation and we speak life to them. We declare they will be the head and not the tail, they will be strong and will have the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power (Gen 49:3). They will take up their rightful position in this Nation, and they will see the works of their hands being established (Ps 90:17).
We declare that the Fathers and spiritual leaders of our Land are rising up to assume their roles with authority and in unison, thereby releasing great grace (Acts 4:33) and with that, the rising up of our sons and daughters in their spiritual authority.
We declare that new wineskin is being prepared for the new wine that our Nation needs desperately, and great authority is coming upon the Body of Christ, such as never been seen before.
We declare that the winds of the Holy Spirit is here moving through our towns, cities and villages, and awakening and revival has begun in our hearts. We continue to declare an open heaven over our Nation.
We see with the eye of faith and we declare:
Dry bones being revived and coming alive.
Mighty harvest of souls coming to Jesus.
A mighty army of Christ arising, marching in rank and file, together with a mighty army of angels released over Malaysia.
Prophetic intercessors, worship warriors & generals taking their positions
The mantle of the Jehu anointing to combat the spirit of witchcraft, harlotry and Jezebel, and the mantle of the Cyrus anointing coming upon the fathers of the land to break off the Babylonian spirit and control over our Nation.
We declare therefore that despite the difficult times we are experiencing in our Nation, we will continue to raise our Halelluyahs to Jesus. We will not be shaken but together as One, with the Spirit upon us, we will “lay hold of God” and we shall pursue our enemies relentlessly, overtake them and recover all that they have taken from us (1 Sam 30:8).
We declare that the Voice of God will be heard across our Land, shattering the forces of darkness, and bringing forth the sound of redemption for the first born of the land, the sound of freedom, the sound of joy, gladness, of victory and great rejoicing in Jesus’ Name! AMEN!!