The New Testament concept of consecrated priesthood emphasises that through Christ, all believers are priests who are to be set apart for God’s service, with both privileges and responsibilities in His kingdom. 1 Peter 2:5–9 leads us to understand at least two things about the priesthood of believers. The first is that believers are privileged to be chosen by God.  The second thing to know about the priesthood of believers is that we are chosen for a purpose: to offer up spiritual sacrifices (Hebrews 13:15-16) and to “declare the praises of him who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). Thus, both by life (1 Peter 2:5) and by word (1 Peter 2:9), our purpose is to serve God. This means all Christians have direct access to God and priestly responsibilities.

Consecration, in essence, is the act of setting apart something or someone for a sacred purpose. It is an intentional dedication to God, signifying holiness and divine service. Romans 12:1-2 is a pivotal passage that encapsulates the essence of Christian consecration. Here, the Apostle Paul exhorts believers to consecrate themselves, not through ritual sacrifice, but through the offering of their very lives as living sacrifices, an ongoing consecration. This signifies a continuous, daily dedication to God, where every aspect of one’s life is devoted to His service. It implies a holistic commitment, affecting thoughts, actions, and attitudes. This involves a transformation of the mind and a departure from worldly patterns, aligning one’s life with God’s will.

Consecration in the New Testament is also closely linked with sanctification, the process of becoming holy. While sanctification is primarily a work of the Holy Spirit, believers are called to actively participate in this process through consecration. Consecration is a cooperative act between the believer and the Holy Spirit, where the believer willingly sets himself apart for God’s purposes, allowing the Spirit to work in and through him (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


  1. Personal Consecration:

    Lord, purify my heart and make me holy as You are holy. Help me maintain a lifestyle of purity and separation unto You. Grant me grace to lay aside every weight and sin that easily entangles. Strengthen me to live above worldly compromises. Fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit daily.

    1. Priestly Authority:

    Lord, help me understand and walk in my priestly authority in Christ. Grant me boldness to exercise spiritual authority appropriately. Enable me to stand in the gap effectively for others. Teach me to make spiritual sacrifices acceptable to You. Increase my understanding of spiritual warfare. Make me a channel of Your blessing to others. Use me to bring healing to the broken. Help me lead others to salvation in Christ. Enable me to make disciples effectively. Make me an instrument of reconciliation.

    1. Priestly Ministry:

    Father, make me effective in intercession for others. Help me minister Your grace to those in need. Grant me wisdom to counsel others according to Your word. Enable me to accurately represent You before people. Strengthen me to serve faithfully in my calling. Father, make me faithful in my priestly duties. Help me serve others with pure motives. Grant me grace to endure hardship as a good soldier. Enable me to build up the body of Christ effectively. Make me a vessel of honour in Your house.

    1. Spiritual Growth:

    Lord, deepen my understanding of Your word. Increase my sensitivity to Your Spirit. Help me grow in spiritual discernment. Develop the fruit of the Spirit in my life. Grant me greater revelation of Christ’s priesthood. Lord, strengthen my prayer life. Help me maintain regular Bible study. Grant me discipline in fasting. Enable me to worship You in spirit and truth. Keep me faithful in meditation on Your word.

    1. Protection and Preservation:

    Lord, protect me from spiritual contamination. Keep me from falling or backsliding. Shield my mind from wrong doctrines. Preserve my testimony and integrity. Guard my heart from deception.

    1. Priestly Character:

    Develop in me the character of Christ. Help me walk in humility and meekness. Grant me patience and long-suffering to endure faithfully to finish well. Enable me to show love to all. Build godly wisdom and the fear of God in my life.

    1. Family Priesthood:

    Father, help me lead my family in godliness. Enable me to minister effectively at home. Grant me wisdom to teach Your ways to my children. Help me maintain a godly atmosphere in my home. Make me faithful in my family altar/devotions.

    1. Corporate Priesthood:

    Lord, help me function effectively in the body of Christ. Enable me to walk in unity with other believers. Grant me grace to submit to spiritual authority. Help me use my spiritual gifts for the benefit of the body of Christ. Make me a team player in Your kingdom.

    In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.